Bethel Nursery

Bethel Nursery offers parents a safe environment for their children to learn about Jesus during the worship service.

Our Nursery has two rooms, Infants (newborn to 18 Months) and Toddlers (18 Months to Pre-Kinderdarten), each staffed with friendly volunteers that love and care for the children. Each week, toddlers learn a different Bible story through videos, songs, and coloring. The stories follow the story of the whole Bible and always point kids back to the good news of Jesus.

March Series

April Series

May Series

In the dark, a world of neon colors comes to life. Whether it’s the soft green of glow-in-the-dark stars or the bright colors of bioluminescent creatures, light can break through the darkness. When the world needed some light, God sent Jesus because he glows in the dark, and he can teach us how to shine with God’s light, too! In this five-week series through the Gospels, we’ll follow Jesus’ life leading up to Easter to see some of the ways he can shine bright in our lives. As we explore, we’ll see Jesus is the light in the darkness. We’ll also learn how we can choose Jesus and know God hears our cries while celebrating how Jesus died and rose again!

From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, kids will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, we’ll take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, kids will learn how to take the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.